さぁ 舞台で踊り狂え―――

死神と共に 翼を広げ


生と死の 永久の交響曲―――



序奏  夢楽譜 主人公達の命−オト−を紹介します。
第1奏 はじまり なびく、紅…―――
第2奏 降臨 希望? 絶望?―――
第3奏 出会い 青い 春…―――?
第4奏 クラトス それは、覚えのある男―――
第5奏 旅立ち 見送り、見殺し―――
第6奏 悪夢の夕食 研究心、抑え目に…―――

To this world.
It is hoped by someone there are a lot of lives.
The life that has arisen ・・・.

A small flower and the large tree.
The animal and the person ・・・
Something is necessary and it exists here ・・・.

There is no life of no necessity from anyone.
There must be a life that needs you somewhere.

For a lot of lives.
It is very important for the person though it might be a tiny life.
Because it is a big life ・・・.

Therefore, it lives and it lives hard.
Hereafter in wanting live with you, you and I want to sound me for a long time ・・・ each other.

